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Early Martial Artist’s

In order for athletes to maximise their output, it would be advantageous for them to have a complete understanding of their inner-body workings. ISC’s philosophy is based around the concept of breathing awareness and control when executing a skill.

In order for athletes to maximise their output, it would be advantageous for them to have a complete understanding of their inner-body workings. ISC’s philosophy is based around the concept of breathing awareness and control when executing a skill. When you pull, you breathe in, when you push, you breathe out. This is clearly evident with bench-pressing or squatting; When bringing the bar down (pressing) or squatting down, we are taught to breathe in and on the return we breathe out. Similarly this applies to various sports.

Golf-teeing off: the back swing requires breathing in, the forward shot reqiures breathing out.

Tennis-serving: the draw-back and ball toss requires breathing in, the forward swing (impacting the ball) requires breathing out.

The basketball shot: the draw-back requires breathing in, the shot (release) requires breathing out.

When an individual is learning the above skills for the first time, they should be instructed to slow the skill right down, and apply the breathing in and out in the right timing.

Controlling your breathing when executing a skill gives you rhythm, timing and power.

The following pertains to how the ancient martial artists used breathing to enhance their abilities and quality of life

“Wise men in ancient China concluded that, if we had to breathe air to live, we should make the most of it by adjusting the inner system and breathe in and out deeply. Gradually it was used in the martial arts of the Shaolin temple which was the birth place of the martial arts”.
(Kung-Fu business, Discovery channel)

“Martial artists were not just fighters. They were also ancient doctors, herbalists and bone setters able to both heal and harm. If you know how the body works, then you know how it’s defeated, life and death – Ying and yang. As masters they passed down their knowledge in secret teachings“.
(Discovery channel)

“The mentality of a martial artist is that if he had to fight 1000 men, he would fight 1000 men. If he knew he couldn’t win, he would attack”
(The warrior within)

“The paramount weapon in all martial arts is the human mind. The mind controls the “inner chi”, the life-force that animates the body and soul. The martial artists concentrate on the ‘chi’ (breathing) and in turn the ‘chi’ opens the mind and ensures total physical control”.
(Discovery Channel)