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"You train hard everyday and you don’t like it, but you know you have to do it. This forces you to become smarter (clever). You learn tricks of the trade" (Eventually, this becomes normal)

Defense: Concept
”You train hard everyday and you don’t like it, but you know you have to do it. This forces you to become smarter (clever). You learn tricks of the trade” (Eventually, this becomes normal)

(Fotis Liolis)

“I have to train harder today than I did yesterday and know that tomorrow I have to train even harder”

(Fotis Liolis

Is a stoppage in time, slowing time down in order to read the situation and react to it.

Offense =Action. Initiating play
Defense = Reaction. Responding to the play

One on One – Applying Maximum Pressure without Fouling or getting beaten

Containment – Keeping your opponent in front of you.
Denying your opponent from getting the ball.
Making your opponent work to get the ball.
Intent, Meaning
What are you telling your opponent? Are you applying full court pressure or are you standing off?

Applying maximum pressure. My feet are set and I have taken away his forward momentum. He can only pass or retreat backwards

Origins of My Defense

FOOTBALL: Back, Defender

  • 5-14 years old
  • Taught me footwork, attacking with my feet
  • Balance
  • Staying in front of my opponent
  • Tenacity, desire to defend
  • Agility / Acceleration

RUGBY: Forward and Back

  • No Fear: Must tackle and be tackled
  • Physicality – learning how to take a ‘hit’ and get back up
  • Upper body Strength – Fight for that ball on the ground, in the air, standing up. Hand to hand contest of will power.

Both sports also taught me how to read situations when attacking with the ball that unfold during a game, eg. drawing in the defense in to get an 'overlap', and how to 'sidestep' opponents to get past them.