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Basketball Exercise Therapy

Basketball provides the perfect platform for bodily movement in a 360 degree radius from high and low points. It has a complete range of skills; physical, mental and emotional as well as the strategic and tactical components of the game.

Basketball provides the perfect platform for bodily movement in a 360 degree radius from high and low points. It has a complete range of skills; physical, mental and emotional as well as the strategic and tactical components of the game. The skills found through basketball are found in every other sport while the tactical aspect of basketball requires a similar level of thinking to playing chess.

Internal Basketball: The ‘Perfect Athlete’ (Doryphorous)

Internal basketball is the art of free thinking. Circular motions and technical skills in three dimensions. Basketball and martial arts fusion — east meets west.

Basketball today is about ‘What can you do for me?’ Three-dimensional basketball is about what you can’t do, and how you go about learning it. It’s about teaching someone how to teach themselves, giving them self-belief and self-efficacy. Four-dimensional basketball is about what happens when you get there. You cannot teach this!

Outer Universe

  • Mind — Money
  • Body — Lust

Touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing, corruption of the spirit: Your senses (soul-power) don’t always reveal the truth.

Inner Universe

Eyes are closed; body is relaxed, oblivious to the outside world. Concentration is on your breathing, making it flow rhythmically. When the eyes are closed, you venture into another universe (dimension). Silence and darkness; what’s inside a persons mind is for that person to see (feel). It’s internal.

The mind works best through relaxation, meditation. Mind and body slow right down and come together as one. When this happens, peace of mind and body develop. When you know what’s going on internally, you can control what’s going on externally.

Failure: The Opposite Of Success

Failure gives us the opportunity to establish what went wrong.

  • Without failure, we could never advance.
  • We could never know if we could or couldn’t.
  • Failure eliminates possibilities.
  • People are ill-prepared to face and understand failures.
  • Life is about winning and success. We don’t understand how to turn our failures into successes.

Time is your Friend

By setting the standards we create, we put pressure on ourselves to obey them.

Time is pure and never-ending. If you fail today, you can always come back and try again tomorrow.

Time is the speed in which the planets revolve around the sun. In life you have to identify with that speed and become one with it, one with the universe.

To go at your own pace is to excel. Perfection is about being open minded!

(Fotis Liolis)

This is a three dimensional pattern (360 degrees). It involves moving parts and works all the movement patterns and is intertwined with the basic skills of basketball (except gait). Can you figure it out?