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Brain Power Using 100% of your brain – Dr Bruce H. Lipton

The left and right hemispheres of our brain control different parts of our physical and mental response.

Right hand controlled by Left side
Left hand controlled by right side

If either hand crosses the mid-line, then it simultaneously, it activates “Super-Learning opportunities” and with both hemispheres working together we have much more superior characteristics of neural function and can download information very, very quickly and also opens up a whole wide range of thinking that includes an emotional component as well an intellectual component which is necessary to fulfil a whole picture, so if you are only operating one side, you’re actually shutting off one component of your Nervous System

When you exercise, and you and your arms cross you start to integrate both hemi-sync and we become calmer, collected and are able to express neurological functions that are very fully supporting of ourselves. 

When we cross our arms or legs without knowing we are engaging the whole brain process if you are stressed or want to relax at night this engages both hemispheres and calms the system down.

After the age of 7 or 8 years old, we begin to express what is called brain dominance, meaning during the day we don’t have synchronisation of both hemispheres, it is more like a wave form sometimes we’re more into left, sometimes more into the right hemispheres and keeps changing. This is called Brain Dominance

Left – Logic and Details
Right – Emotions and Wholeness

If we are looking at something with the left, we are looking at logic with no emotional component.

Looking through Right, we see emotions but no logic