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Intelligent Training Philosophy

Today people think that training is something they do in a gym, pool, walking, running or biking. Training varies for different people, as some take between 30 minutes to two hours, and elite athletes up to five or six hours a day.

Today people think that training is something they do in a gym, pool, walking, running or biking. Training varies for different people, as some take between 30 minutes to two hours, and elite athletes up to five or six hours a day.

This is only one aspect of training. It’s only a short-term solution. It works as long you train. If you stop training you lose what you’ve gained. It’s all about ‘systems and programmes’.

Training is a 24 hour activity. Breathing, visualisation, and importantly, the subconscious mind, is one of the most powerful forms of development that we have not realised or harnessed yet.

Most people who play sports are actually doing long and short term damage to themselves because they are not taught how to perfect techniques in the way they move and use their bodies throughout their daily lives, and this carries on to the sports arenas.

Someone who is practicing a certain skill, nine out of ten times they will be using incorrect technique but will continue to perfect that skill even though it is wrong. In their haste to get better they cause short and long term damage.

In the long run it puts huge financial strain on the health systems around the world.

Develop technical proficiency. If you’re good technically, you will have more chances of being consistent, and this will carry on in every day life.

Grant Fox (All Black great)

Intelligent training, is not a system or programme, it’s about concepts and ideas. Real training is about controlling your every movement, in your everyday life. It’s about awareness of the mind and body and how they interact with each other in life. Combining meditation with motion in everyday life provides efficiency and sporting results.

Awareness Through Meditation And Motion

The aim is to bring the body into good alignment by reminding it constantly of how it should be standing, sitting, lying and moving correctly. This is essential for restoring and maintaining proper muscle balance and ensuring we have the correct positioning for our joints. That way our muscles can strengthen, rather than add stress to our joints. We also avoid building imbalances in the surrounding muscles which can lead to mobility and joint problems.

There is no such thing as a great talent without great will power.

Honoré De Balzac, French Novelist

Imagination is greater than knowledge.

Albert Einstein

Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom.

Herman Hesse, German Novelist