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Three Dimensional Basketball

There is a huge misconception that it takes thousands of hours to learn how to play basketball, and if you don’t pick it up early on, you won’t be able to make it, because there is so much to learn.

There is a huge misconception that it takes thousands of hours to learn how to play basketball, and if you don’t pick it up early on, you won’t be able to make it, because there is so much to learn. So people all around the world don’t start early or they struggle to keep up with the pace and they give up, or they don’t try at all.

Basketball was invented for ‘everyone’ It was invented as a three-dimensional form of exercise that athletes from all sports could use to keep fit in their off-seasons. In three dimensional basketball, each dimension is represented by the mind, body and the soul. As the ancient Greeks stipulated, the soul drives the mind and the mind drives the body. It later branched off into its own sport and grew so big that the three-dimensional aspect was lost and basketball became one-dimensional and developed its own set of followers and ideals to where it is today.

One-Dimensional basketball is about kids (people) over-relying on coaches, programmes, and systems to learn how to play. This means that if your coach is not very knowledgeable or does not teach you the correct way, then your chances of succeeding diminish. It is not about going to the gym seven days per week and taking months and years to learn simple basic skills that should be learnt almost instantly.

Everybody has different needs so everyone is unique. The problem is that there is only a very small window of opportunity to develop the skills required and if not developed correctly, then that individual’s use of incorrect skills becomes ingrained into that person’s memory and it becomes harder and harder to correct and re-train.

Innovative Sports Concepts is about giving you the tools and the knowledge of using your own mind to direct thoughts into your body to develop all aspects of your life.

Three Dimensional Basketball means you can teach yourself. Coaches can lead you to water, but only you can drink. It is about using your initiative by taking a basketball, finding a hoop and finding out for yourself what works and what doesn’t. This is about concepts and ideas as opposed to a strict regime of training.

ISC is about breaking down the skills of basketball to a point where they are very easily understood and developed for any person of any age. But to break down the skills, you have to arrive at an understanding of your own body’s strengths and weaknesses.

Once the skills have been learnt, then you will begin to understand the relationship between the mind, body and spirit, the three dimensions of play.

A stand can be made against invasion by an army; No stand can be made against invasion of an idea.

Victor Hugo, 19th Century French novelist

The most elusive knowledge of all is self-knowledge and it is usually acquired laboriously through experience outside the classroom.

Mirra Komarovsky, Russian born American Sociologist

People demand freedom of speech to make up for the thought which they avoid.

Soeren Kiekegaard, Danish Philosopher, 1813-1855

Learning without thought is labour lost, thought without learning is perilous.

Confucious, Chinese Philosopher


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